Nadia S. Krauss

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

There came a time when I was ready for more than just working through Soul Art Journey Courses on my own. That was when Divine timing was right on time for me, as it always is, and I felt the nudge to join Soul Art Certification to be the guide for others in this way.


Before joining Soul Art School I was joining Soul Art Journey courses that Laura Hollick had created, pertaining to the themes I wanted to dive deeper with.

During these Soul Art Journeys, I experienced a deep connection with my inner world and always seemed to tap into a kind of magic that surpasses my rational mind which always has so many opinions about how things should be or what life should look like.

There came a time though when I was ready for more than just working through Soul Art Journey Courses on my own. That was when Divine timing was right on time for me, as it always is.

Laura offered a Money & Art Workshop at Soul Art School and that was my moment to join the membership, as I had eyed that workshop previously but it had only been offered in-house.

After joining Soul Art School for a year and gaining so much through the monthly Soul Art Rituals I decided to become a lifetime member of Soul Art School because I wanted to make sure to gift myself this ongoing support, nourishment, and nurturing of my Soul’s gifts.

I highly recommend anyone who is looking to up their creative self-care practice to join Soul Art School.

Yennis Mak

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

My soul leads me to Soul Art School. I am a student of the Soul Art Certification and I am working towards my Level 4 Soul Art Shaman.

Soul Art helps me find my soul language. I have had numerous transformations using the Soul Art process. My recent transformation is reclaiming my authentic beauty through healing my connection to my body, to earth and to my soul. The artworks I created using the Soul Art process is a transmission and a portal for me to step into my next highest frequency. It is by using the Soul Art process that I remember my power and my magic.


Soul Art helps me find my soul language. I have had numerous transformations using the soul art process. My recent transformation is reclaiming my authentic beauty through healing my connection to my body, to earth and to my soul. The artworks I created using the soul art process is a transmission and a portal for me to step into my next highest frequency. It is by using the soul art process that I remember my power and my magic.

Stede Barber

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Art as an expression of my Soul is how I work best…it is my most natural, pure, and rich work. My oil paintings don’t necessarily follow the specific Soul Art process, but they have always, since I was a child, followed the intent to attune to my heart and the spirit within and express from there.


Soul Art is a beautiful combination of creativity and spiritual psychology, developing deeper trust and connection with the spirit within. It can be healing, joyful, and at times frustrating yet supportive, assisting in expressing what may be beyond words, in letting go of what is past and no longer serves, and in literally painting your way into a bright and loving future. I find that it assists in knowing my heart, and being true to myself.

Jennifer Blumenthal

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I joined the Soul Art Certification in 2015 the moment I heard about it. I just *knew* it was the thing that my Soul needed. To this day, Soul Art continues to be one of the two most significant and life-changing things I have ever done for myself, my healing, my growth, and my business. It has helped me to understand myself in ways that I never imagined, and has become ingrained in everything I do for myself and with my clients because I know, from personal experience and witnessing it in others, that using Soul Art facilitates healing and transformation. Soul Art has significantly shaped who I am and I can’t imagine not having it in my life.


I am a Human Spirit Guide showing the way to fellow travelers on the sacred path and helping to anchor in the New Earth codes for humanity’s evolution. I’m always creating courses, programs, and experiences to help women excavate their light and use it in their work in the world. I used to create all of my programs from a logical, mental place trying to think of ways to facilitate my clients’ experiences until one day when Laura challenged me to use the Soul Art process to launch my course. Doing that changed everything for me about the way that I create experiences in my business. I no longer create anything myself. Now I use Soul Art to express the Spirit of the experience that wants to be birthed, and let IT tell ME what to create and how to create it. And because of this, my programs are now unlike anything else out there! I’ve started to teach this method of creation to my clients and it instantly unlocks them to create amazing content they previously only dreamed of creating. I am forever grateful to Laura for birthing and refining the Soul Art process. It has changed my life in more ways than I ever imagined!

Jacqueline Jade Hiew

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I love to create, and Soul Art helps me to explore the magic of art. Soul Art honors your unique gifts, and the creative processes are fun, profound, and full of love and light.

Lesley Dixon

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Its been my dream for many years to join Soul Art School and it came true in 2022. I entered a competition with my sand art and I said to myself if I won the money prize I would sign up. And I did!! I won $500. I LOVE the activations every month with the journal journey. They really speak to me on so many different levels as I access information from myself that I don’t find in other ways. I often don’t always create art straight away but an inquiry will come up for me to follow. I love Laura and the clear channel she is, her wisdom and her future insight. The visionary aspect really calls to me as I love working with timelines and it makes so much sense to me to access what we do in the future and bring that wisdom here now. My life feels so much fuller being a part of the Soul Art community.

Irja-Liisa Saarinen

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I signed up in Soul Art School, because I wanted to clarify my soul’s purpose and empower my gifts. I enjoy creating my art and growth as a human.


I have learned how to be more present to my body and mind. I got visual inspiration easily.

Beka Buckley

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I will be honest. After a 12-month trial during a confusing transitional time in my business, I made the gut decision to continue my membership of Soul Art School because truthfully it is one of the few places that gives me exactly the support I need when I need it. With the tools and skills to find my own inspired and aligned answers. A True North Compass. Now as a life-long member of Soul Art School, I am part of an amazing, creative, spiritual and sophisticated community in which I do not feel afraid to be myself and share my soul’s journey.


If you are like me and have participated in Soul Art Day and Laura’s pop-up Soul Art workshop events for many years or even just one and would love more of that soul nourishment in your life, then Soul Art School has to be your next investment. With its rich and ever-expanding library of monthly creativity, wellness, relational and business rituals, you can soak into the magic to discover your own recipe for a thriving creative life. An investment into Soul Art School will reap rewards for years to come and will not disappoint.

Jacqueline Morasco

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I love the group support, seeing what others create and watching everyone’s evolution. I’ve learned so much about art and rituals and all the different ways they can express themselves through us. I have made some life-long connections and know people are there to support me, my process and my art. There are no limits!


I have practiced ritual most of my adult life. Working with Laura in Soul Art School, I’ve been able to expand my ritual experience, knowledge and level of creativity. I never used to include art in my rituals and now I couldn’t imagine my rituals without some aspect of art. My definition of what art is has amplified. (Laura, my head is not totally clear. Feel free to reword my stuff if you use it. I have surgery scheduled for Friday. Love, Jacqueline)

Nicola Breuer

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

To continue to unfurl my authentic and intuitive artist Nature, and to integrate the mystical weavings of my cosmic life, so that I may know the Creative Intelligence that lives inside of me, that I may move, express, uncover and forge always from this deep, vital center with courage, joy and love in community with kindred spirits and fearless leaders.

Zella Johnson

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art was another step in my journey of self exploration! I really enjoy the mapping process!

Tara Preston

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Laura had been a profound guide for me since finding her in 2012!

I since spent 8 years since then certifying as a shamanic Soul Art Guide, and still take in her Soul Art School classes to support my path.

She has a unique ability to cultivate self sourced leadership, and understands the power of harnessing creativity as a soul language to guide our highest expression.


Soul Art bridges higher wisdom into a grounded framework like the body!

There is nothing like there out there when it comes to bridging body & soul.

Through Laura’s work I became a powerful channel supporting my own authentic leadership and the birth of my new paradigm business.

Thank you Laura!

Stacy Tatum

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I love doing Soul Art and I wish to share some of what I learn with others at my business The RareBird Workshop.


Laura is a great teacher and a definite inspiration. She provides a safe space where one can go deep into creative exploration.

Janet Stephan

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I enrolled in the Soul Art Certification on my 53rd birthday which was the best present I could have given myself. I wanted to learn about myself and find a way to become a clear channel for my soul expression. It really has and still is taking me deeper and clearer. I am so grateful that my soul guided me to this program.

Juliette Whelpton

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Deconstructing elements by use the Soul Art process in order to find order in what might feel chaotic – reconstruct, find insight – setting a pathway to manifest dreams and influence others

Malika Boulogne

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

From the first Soul Art ritual I ever did, I wanted to be in this school.
I had found this unique place to explore my souls language and love for journey work on a deeper level with amazing like-minded beings.
It took many years before I joined as I desperately wanted to be in it but was frozen in fear.
Soul Art School is like a home for me, like a garden full of beauty and I love and feel honoured being part of this community.


Soul art school is one the most unique schools that exist. A place of transformation and empowerment as you learn to guide yourself.
A place where all my gifts and interests came to a place of wholeness.
Laura is truly an inspiration in her love and dedication to art, health,beauty and our earth. Tuned in to the changes that happen and always deepening herself.
I LOVE that I am part of the people that are blessed to learn from her.
Thank you Laura!!! ♥️

Fabienne Zimmermann

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I discovered Soul Art and Laura Hollick thanks to Facebook algorithms. I immediately enrolled in Soul Art Day and then in the Soul Art Certification Level 1. I love this technique because it combines so many of my interests: art, spirituality, and healing. I also love to share and connect with other souls across the globe. It is so nourishing and empowering.

Jayni Bloch

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Finding my true creative and magical essence through the Soul Art journey was a significant transformation in this life-transitioning stage of my life


finding my true creative and magical essence through the soul art journey was a significant transformation in this life-transitioning stage of my life

Marcella Nordbeck

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I have been on both a creative and spiritual journey for more than 20 years. I enrolled in the Soul Art Certification to further support my creative endeavors, while also learning new ways of connecting with my Soul and expressing my Essence, my unique Spirit.


Over the years, since enrolling in Soul Art, I have healed and transformed my physical health, my personal relationships, and my relationship with money. Soul Art has changed my life!

Mihaela Lederhas

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I wanted to learn something new, grow and evolve as a person and as a coach and mentor and I can already say that joining Soul Art Certification was one of my best decisions ever.

Christian Olguin

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art school nourishes my soul through creative and journaling exercises. It helps me understand and express myself more authentically and come back to my center when I feel lost from the daily life.


Anyone who wants to be in touch with their soul and creativity in all aspects of their life, not something aside, I would recommend Soul Art School.

Alex Kanka-Graves

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I’m in Soul Art School because it is a wonderfully creative community and Laura’s monthly journeys always help me to gain valuable insights about who I am, where I’m going in life and why. I also love having the opportunity to share the journey with my fellow artists so that we can encourage and inspire one another along the way.

Bonnie Dorgelo

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

My soul tingled with excitement when I heeded the call to be in Soul Art School and the Soul Art Certification program!
I feel it is an incredibly inspiring and intentional space to safely unfurl, curl up, crack open, go wild, activate curiosity, self inquiry, excavate and compassionately embrace once lost, forgotten, dormant, shunned or shy parts of ourselves. It’s a beautiful space shared and dared with the loving support, guidance and creative wisdom of Laura and her incredible team! To be acknowledged and witnessed by each and every unique soul within Soul Art School is priceless!
We are not freaked out and alone! We are in this together! xo


Through participating in the amazingly rich Rituals and Workshops so generously offered within Soul Art School and sharing the sometimes messy, sometimes joyful journey – I am witnessing empowering transformations in myself and others!
Creative inspiration and insights permeate into daily life as I’m shifting from a ‘normalized’ hyper alert, adrenaline fueled, urgently exhaustive survival state to one of open wonder, calm curiosity, compassionate courage and loving ease.
Being in Soul Art School deeply nourishes my heart, body and soul!

Marlene Wagenhofer

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I was so amazed by International Soul Art Day – I think I found out about it on Facebook. I have been looking for a way to explain my way of painting and the way art has helped me all my life and this is it. I just knew the Soul Art Certification was exactly the right fit for me.

Suzanne Armstrong

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art School feels like HOME to me. A place to feel fully seen, heard, and understood without having to use words to express the deepest and most vulnerable truths of my Soul. The rituals & workshops guide me in ways that allow me to dive deep into my soul level beingness, to unearth the answers I am seeking, and bring to light the fullness of who I was born to be on this planet.

At this time of great upheavel, uncertainty, and change in our world, Soul Art School has been a sacred space of soulicious support & mentorship to feel safe, supported, and FREE to LIVE my spirit on Earth!


Joining Soul Art School & Soul Art Certification was Empowered me signing my own permission slip that allows me to access, BE, & EXperience, every morsel of SOULicousness I can Imagine for myself and my Life on this earth.

Tuulikki Jalkanen

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I’m growing, developing, and clarifying my path. Healing, having inspiration and going through formation process. Soul Art has helped me a lot in my journey. I hope I can get tools to open more creative doors and opportunities also for myself and others.

Antoinette Bishop

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I love being part of Soul Art School- It is a sisterhood xxx

Gayla Moss Willows

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I joined Soul Art so I could learn how to do Bodymapping and to feel part of an art community. Bodymapping felt like a good way to communicate with my body in a new way that would offer insights, grounding and dialoguing. I have learned to work on a bigger scale, trust my inner process, and learn from like minded Soul Art Sisters too.


I love how Laura has encouraged us to find our own pace and not compare ourselves to others in the program. This allowed me to give myself permission to work on my bodymapping pieces until they intuitively felt completed. Finding my own unique pace gave me the time and space to integrate, reflect and heal more fully.

Doris Vetterling

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art School is a wonderful community to develop your creativity, inspire each other and share your Soul Art, you can work and grow at your own pace. I admire Laura’s art, her vision and her commitment to share her wisdom with others.

Yaelle Schwarcz

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

What a privilege it’s been to see my own value and untapped potential; to feel the power of my creative spirit running through my body and to see it’s mind- boggling creations; to address the fears and beliefs that have stopped me from living a creative and joyful life; to stretch myself beyond my own reaches and know the process doesn’t have to mean ‘endless suffering’; to experiment with difficult concepts in a playful way and find my own solutions then follow through with action.

These are the many reasons why I have chosen Soul Art School to inspire and guide me..


Soul Art has handed me a key to a rusty door that I’d given up hope of ever opening.

Thank you Laura Hollick for your generosity, inspiration and loving support as I navigate through change and make transformation more accessible and fun.


Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Hi my name is Dechen and it is essential for my being to express herself through creativity. It is like watering a plant, without the water the plant dies after some time.

I joined the Soul Art Certification in 2017. As soon as I opened Laura Hollick’s website and read about the Certification I knew: this is for me!

Soul Art is medicine for me. Art medicine. It makes me see myself in a way I can’t see myself. It makes the invisible visible.

It helps me to feel whole, happy and loveable, it makes me see myself from a different perspective, looking at what I have made, I think “ooh wow….is that inside of me???”

It’s a mirror to the invisible world of Dechen, which was and still is so needed so she can love herself and truly see herself.

It grounds me while I fly.

It acknowledges who I am, my story. It shows me that from the manure of depression creative fertility can grow. It reminds me of the joy and playfulness that is part of my being. It is caring for that creative inner child that just looooovvvvvess to play in the garden of creativity.

I was a creative child, but my parents didn’t support creativity; “artists are losers” my father used to shout at me when I came home from art school with a finished work. I was 18, and after a 3 months trip to India had started evening art school. My father only did what he thought was best for me, another generation, another time, and I’m sure he wanted the best for me…but that day is like a landmark on my soul, “artists are losers” he shouted while his anger and frustration turned not only in verbal but also physical violent towards me. Ugly remarks about the work I had brought home, it was a 3 dimensional work which I loved and so proud of, but my father treated it like a piece of shit. I wasn’t allowed to keep it… it had to go out of his house.

Not very long after that day I left my parents house to live on my own.

My life continued and though I kept the creative spark burning inside of me, somehow my dream as a kid and teenager of becoming an artist, or earn my money with art turned into something not more than an impossibility…deep inside the “artists are losers” believe had done it’s work.

Since my parents got grandchildren they have changed a lot, and are very supportive grandparents, open-minded even, a total opposite of how I experienced them as a kid. Art, artist and anything creative was a no go, a ridiculous thing, impossible to earn a living with….my dad used to say that artist are parasites of society…
Up to this day I can feel how it has marked my live.

Soul Art is like a refreshing shower to my soul, my creative spirit. It’s like a beautiful rainshower in a forest on a warm day…

Soul Art reminds me who I am.

Being in this creative process is healing, nourishing and makes me happy, every step in the creative Soul Art process is showing me something. The insights of all the above works are many and have been real medicine for me. I am so beyond words grateful for it. It is the gift of creating your own medicine…art medicine.

Soul Art also allows me to see creating as a joyful & playful process. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it is part of a process. Since the Soul Art Certification I have been exploring many different creative mediums, things I never have done before. It is a great adventure, discovering new ways of creating , new techniques to try out and experience.

It is total freedom for my Creative Spirit, and I looooove it!

The above 3 Art pieces have been all made during my Soul Art Certification.

Today I am sharing this beautiful art medicine as a Certified Soul Art Bodymapping guide through workshops & retreats. It’s truly a dream which has come true!

Yin Tsoi

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I first joined the Soul Art tribe in 2019, when I was on a quest to heal my body. I saw a pattern in the happening of my sickness, the doctors could not give me answers. I began to dive into the emotional and energetic studies of past and ancestral trauma. I was exploring many healing methods during that time, I knew I had to find ways to go deeper into understanding the connection between my body and soul. From then Soul Art philosophy became part of my being, my daily life. Soul Art opened the door for me to return to ‘Me.’ The transformation back to my truth. I have learnt how to tap into my intuition, to allow my essence to come through and how to express into physical forms. To understand and unlock the language of my soul is the true connection to life.

What I absolutely love about Soul Art School is the tribe, like minded open hearts, a community of safe supportive space that makes you feel like home.


I first joined the Soul Art tribe in 2019, when I was on a quest to heal my body. I saw a pattern in the happening of my sickness, the doctors could not give me answers. I began to dive into the emotional and energetic studies of past and ancestral trauma. I was exploring many healing methods during that time, I knew I had to find ways to go deeper into understanding the connection between my body and soul.

From then Soul Art philosophy became part of my being, my daily life. Soul Art opened the door for me to return to ‘Me.’ The transformation back to my truth. I have learnt how to tap into my intuition, to allow my essence to come through and how to express into physical forms. To understand and unlock the language of my soul is the true connection to life. What I absolutely love about Soul Art School is the tribe, like minded open hearts, a community of safe supportive spec that makes you feel like home.

Ellen Faber

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

During my art education I learned skills to make sculptures and beautiful forms . Feelings, poems and emotions were the fuel to create but in a hidden form.
In Soul Art School I allowed myself to express emotions more directly and freely. And to connect with Spirit and ask questions after the creative process about what I made.


It is a beautiful, joyful skill to commune with Spirit after the creative process. The times I do this I discover a layer beyond the creation/ visualization.

Nina Berzbach

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I am a founding member of Soul Art School and I am also a Soul Art Certification student since 2016. It is a beautiful safe space to connect with other like-minded souls and it gives me permission to explore and express myself and to receive kind and honest support on my life’s journey.


I have been working with the Soul Art process since 2016 and I have healed so many aspects of myself from depression and illness, and lack of self-worth by using the process and moving into female empowerment, my own coaching expertise, and building my own business. I created a completely new relationship with my body, mind, and spirit: this trinity is my best friend now and the one I go to for any advice. I know it supports me 24/7 ( even if does not look like it) and will show me what it desires and needs. I feel very confident to create my very own soul medicine anytime and I use Soul Art tools in my business not only for product creation but it is its DNA because “My business is a piece of art and soul!”

Thit Andersen

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I’ve been part of this community for several years now as I began my Soul Art certification in 2017. I love being part of this special art community it’s so unique and I love connecting with like minded artists and creative souls. It’s so inspirational to see what others work on and how they choose to work on a shared theme. I’m grateful for all the art and the community and Laura Hollick and her ever-inspiring art and business and teachings.


Through Soul Art I have found something that is uniquely mine and a gateway to my inner world and treasures. I also work as a soul art guide and It’s always such a pleasure to be able to gift others with this creative soul journey.

Sarah Richards

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I have been a Soul Art Student for several years, initially it was to support the awakening process only, now it is the guidance system that leads me through the dark, as I continue to take my place in the world.


If you need better quality photos, please let me know – this 9-foot canvas is not easy to shoot and the details are lost to some degree (large degree actually) with the full length at a distance. Thanks. S

Alicia Morrow

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I’ve wanted to be an “artist” since I was 6 years old, but couldn’t give myself permission to pursue something so “frivolous” until I did a lot of inner work to allow this part of me to fully express herself. I now have a place where I can create for the sake of creation itself, without always needing to monetize my art, or make it into something serious. The wonderful part is that I now know I CAN monetize my art, but only if I choose to. It’s a win-win for my inner artist, explorer, and entrepreneur! And a powerful place where I get to be playful and curious, too.

Maya Murielle Biabiany

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art changes my way to approach art. It allows me to explore deeply what I feel, what is hided in my body, and express my flow to a material support. The Soul Art Ritual Library expands my wisdom and step by step my reality.

Jade Wolfe

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I started the Soul Art journey to deepen my relationship with myself, and with my art practice. Art has always been a major part of my life, and the creative process has allowed me to explore and discover myself, to heal, overcome challenges, and to connect with others. The Soul Art journey has helped me to feel guided and supported as I move through the process, and I have noticed more transformations occur in my life as a result. Once I have completed the journey, I hope to share this experience with others, as well.

Michelle Goodrich

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

My body is a Yes!


I love what Laura is teaching ….. bringing primal self (Yoni Intelligence) to meet with the Divine aspects of ourselves (our soul) and living life from this place.

Aleksandra Olenka Rug

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I love the fact that I am part of the Soul Art SchooI because I feel part of very special community of gifted women from all walks of life. I connect to my pure joy of being and artistic expression that is at the core of my soul . I love the feedback given by guides and Laura. I am hoping to make art as my priority and life purpose. I feel this school is already helping me to find that purpose.

Lainie Love Dalby

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I LOVE art as a tool for transformation! I spend so much time holding space for others & leading transformational experiences, that I deeply cherish having a space where I can just show up, be held & led through creative processes by someone else who I deeply resonate with & trust. Laura is a deep inspiration, a soul siSTAR, a fellow visionary leader & radiant midwife of the New Earth! I’m so grateful for this container!


previously submitted one

Birte Thurow

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I have been searching for a long time for a community, a tribe, which speaks my language and I feel like I have found my home with Soul Art School. It’s such a privilege to be guided by Laura, her wisdom, and the Divine wisdom which she channels is pure nourishment for my soul. I am doing the Bodymapping certification and loving it. I wish to deepen my connection to Soul and Spirit and help others do the same. I look back on a painting I created almost a year before meeting Laura, and I can clearly see her in this painting now, at the time of creation I didn’t understand it, but now I do – our paths were meant o cross.


I have lost count of the many transformations since starting the journey with Soul Art School. I feel stronger, calmer, and more confident in my own art and path, despite the fact that many things around me are in upheaval. I feel deeply grateful for this safe space which Laura holds in the Soul Art Community.

Ana Madero

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I am in Soul Art School because it offers so many different and practical ways of using art as a tool for healing, growing and defining our life purpose and meaning.
Laura Hollick’s teachings and guidance are consistently inspiring us to go deeper through Soul Art Certification, monthly rituals, live events and many others.
Our Soul Art School community is a safe and powerful space that keeps us together, growing and inspiring each other.


Soul Art has completely transformed my relationship with myself, my creativity and my life. Thanks to it I have been able to find, clarify and heal core wounds and beliefs, allowing me to find who I came here to be and do.
My whole life has become my Soul Art and I am so grateful for it.

Veronica Gonzalez

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art School is giving me the opportunity to create and let that long forgotten magic surface again.


Soul Art School has helped me to reconnect with my creativity and joy. I have been able to connect in ways with myself that I did not think was possible. I can express my spirituality, culture through my art and it has healed profound wounds. Soul Art has helped me collect the lost pieces of myself and reintegrate them together again. I am ready to move forward and share this healing light!

Elica Johnson

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I joined Soul Art Certification Level 1 Bodymapping in 2019 after my first experience with Soul Art Day.
My Soul and I had an amazing experience as I allowed myself to simply play. I recognized the calling of my Soul and the community was so inspiring too.

The following year I joined the full Soul Art Certification program to cultivate a deeper relationship with myself and distill the essence of my gifts. The monthly rituals offered by Laura, the supportive community, and the encouragement we offer to each other as we travel our own journeys are so precious. It is so exciting and inspiring to witness each other’s growth and the amazing art that is created through the Soul Art process. I’ve made connections with amazing women and it is so nourishing to my Body, Soul, and Mind.


With Soul Art you are the predominant creative force in your life. It is a conscious creative process that invites the totality of who you are with the spaciousness needed to explore that.

Soul Art gives you direct access to Spirit through the guidance of your Soul’s Voice. The connection between you and your body is uncovered at the Soul level, so you are able to hear more clearly that guidance and follow it with confidence.

Through Soul Art you express what is alive in you in a healthy way, you choose which steps to take to bring more of what you want and transmute what you want less of into your life. You develop your own agency and your sovereignty by tapping into the abundant resources of your very own Creativity. You develop an unshakeable faith in Divine timing and are able to take tangible steps forward, whilst enjoying the journey.

Sylvia Barnowski

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Becoming a founding member of the Soul Art School was offered as a part of the lifetime access to the Soul Art Certification Program at the time I joined; so it was an easy choice to make!


Soul Art is a truly transformative and empowering process. It is a container for a deep and rich inner experience through creative process. It gives a permission for creative self-expression, brings insights, cultivates self-trust and self-discovery. For me the greatest value of Soul Art is the opportunity to experience and trust the process over and over again, to receive the gifts of insights and wisdom coming through the process, joy of creative expression, deeper understanding of self, and the empowerment and satisfaction at the end of the journey. Trusting the creative process of Soul Art helps with trusting the process of Life itself.

Leanne B. Moore

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I was on Facebook and I saw the Soul Art Day post in Summer and I got curious. After the Soul Art Day, I felt this inspirational energy coming where finally I started painting again. Afterwards, I saw the Soul Art Certification post and I heard a calling from my soul. I felt that I was in the right place, at the right time and that I could not back down this time. It was time! Therefore I enrolled and I am now part of the Soul Art School. I am in a community where I find a sense of belonging which I felt lacking in my life. It is now my ongoing journey of self-growth, self-love and self-empowerment. Thank you Laura and thank you Soul Art team and community.

Hemera Margrieta

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Over the years, the art and the creative process of Soul Art have helped me to ground deep traumatic pain and other disruptive life experiences. Thanks to the creative expression, I have found a new foundation in that bottomless well of trauma and other emotional pain. Art is a reflection of my inner world and helps me to see myself and my life in a new light. It’s finding the silver spark in the pain and black which alchemizes itself into renewal and expansion.

Besides that, thanks to Soul Art School, I have made several new friends from all over the world and had the honour of welcoming three amazing women from our Soul Art community in my home town in the Netherlands. Besides that, quite recently I travelled to Switzerland to pay a return visit to one of my dear Soul Art friends.

Milena Drolma

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I am following Soul Art School because I wish to paint every day, in a free context but contained in the big net. Laura gives me this possibility in a humble and simple way, spurring me to remove all the obstacles of being worthless by making myself visible also with this beautiful initiative of exhibit your art.


the Soul art school helped me to have a simple and real way to put myself into painting or thinking about my soul art every day. The journals, the fb directs, the fb group, the emails, a simple but concrete form of always being close to me to make me focus each time on issues pertaining to being an artist. I have no more excuses!!!

Anna Alcock

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Because it’s the school I wish I could have attended growing up! One that nurtures and supports my creative spirit to be free and fully expressed. A space where like minded souls are working towards a common goal of embodying their authentic voice through creativity.


Soul Art School & the Soul Art Certification have been, and continue to feed my creative spirit and allow me to be guided by my own wisdom, my soul and have given me permission to express myself through my art. The processes speak straight to my heart and I have found my creative voice with the support of Laura & the Soul art process.

Jenny Schneider

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I have always wanted to find a way of combining art and healing, not only for myself, but for others. Joining Soul Art School and the Soul Art Certification was the perfect answer. It is a way to reconnect with Self, recognize your true potential and through working on Self, create huge transformation and healing. It is only once you heal Self, that you can guide and heal others. Soul Art has created a stronger connection to my Higher Self and embodied trust in myself as an artist, healer and guide.


I have experienced huge transformation in my reconnection to my creativity, which had been blocked for many years. I have developed courage, trust and confidence. Soul Art has taught me to focus direction and believe in myself and ability as a guide to others.
It has also reminded me of my deep connection to Earth and it’s elements.

Leanne Flaman

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I began my Soul Art journey in 2014, completing the Shaman Level in 2016. My journey through Soul Art School allowed me the time, space, guidance and grace to root into my wildly potent creative nature as an artist.

Katerina Suplie

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

It was intuitive choice… It was my childhood dream to be an artist… I have choosen this for my inner child happiness and healing. It’s Soul Art School I always wanted to be in, the school I was wishing for. The school of deep diving, questioning and finding answers from within. Thank you Laüra & Kevin 💝💝 for guidance and inspiration!


It was my childhood dream to be an artist… I have choosen Soul Art School for my inner child happiness and healing. It’s Art School I always wanted to be in, the school I was wishing for. Without time attachment. The school of deep diving, questioning and finding answers from within. Thank you Laüra & Kevin 💝💝 for guidance and inspiration!

Esra Gocek

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

Soul Art allows me to tap into a source where I receive messages about myself, about the world, about what’s affecting me, where my power is, where I feel fragile. The Soul Art process allows me to accept whatever comes to me without judgement, which brings healing.

Angela Gilchrist

Tell us why you’re in Soul Art School

I encountered Laura Hollick through another mentor of mine, Summer McStravick. Laura struck me as unique, bold, and a powerful visionary so I followed her back to Soul Art, participating in various creative rituals throughout the many years and never looked back. I eventually realized I wanted to dedicate even more time to being creative and return to my first love, art, knowing that this is what makes me happiest. I so enjoy connecting to our lovely community as well. Thank you Laura and the Soul Art team for birthing such a wonderful safe container for all of us to express ourselves, allow our inner child to play, and to continue to evolve from our life experiences.


I used to be a very harsh critic of myself and anything that I created. Now my internal voice is patient and compassionate. I love my creations because they are a reminder of how much I’ve evolved. I also want to inspire others to try new things or to reconnect to what they love.