Alicia Morrow
Alicia Morrow describes this Soul Art piece
The Level 1 Bodymapping part of the Soul Art Certification helped me to orient to my business from a new place inside of myself, and embody joy in every aspect of my work.
This Soul Art piece in Alicia Morrow’s words…
This Soul Art Certification piece was all about recalibrating and consciously choosing my self talk around my body. I transformed a lot of negativity into empowerment and appreciation for this temple that is my body.
How Alicia Morrow describes this Soul Art piece
This Soul Art piece was created to elevate and empower my relationship with money. I now receive and manage abundance from a place of wisdom, appreciation and joy!
Artist: Alicia Morrow
Why Alicia Morrow is in Soul Art School
I’ve wanted to be an “artist” since I was 6 years old, but couldn’t give myself permission to pursue something so “frivolous” until I did a lot of inner work to allow this part of me to fully express herself. I now have a place where I can create for the sake of creation itself, without always needing to monetize my art, or make it into something serious. The wonderful part is that I now know I CAN monetize my art, but only if I choose to. It’s a win-win for my inner artist, explorer, and entrepreneur! And a powerful place where I get to be playful and curious, too.