Nicola Breuer
Nicola Breuer describes this Soul Art piece
Majestic Elk of Northern Arizona. I have been exploring my process of dream weaving…..bringing together intuitive information from all realms of my experience…learning to trust that my creative expression (intuition) is the way I integrate symbols, totems, animal guides, elemental and astrological influences and information, synchronicities, and dreams that come upon my path in both waking and dreaming states. Visual art strengthens my intuitive capacities and relationship to this sixth sense.
This Soul Art piece in Nicola Breuer’s words…
Through the process of awakening into deep embodiment I have come to my own ever evolving daily ritual practice that involves breath, Kriya, Mudra, elements and the seven directional Gateway of the Fae Realms. This piece specifically came from talking and singing to the land as a way to awaken my Spirit and to know my true place in the Cosmos. This painting was an old painting that I painted over to give new life and new meaning through my own alchemical process, and to reframe my own past, a way to listen more deeply to the red rocks of Sedona and the stories therein.
How Nicola Breuer describes this Soul Art piece
This piece is part of my Bodymapping piece for Class 5 in the Soul Art Certification. A Deep reclamation of my own creative voice, both through visual art and dance, as this piece becomes a visual, channeled map of who I am emerging as, and the moment to moment pathway unfurling the way to continue following and opening to my own unique growth pattern. This piece is a place for me to explore and to understand my dance visually and to make all the seemingly fragmented aspects of my life form a complete image.
Artist: Nicola Breuer
Why Nicola Breuer is in Soul Art School
To continue to unfurl my authentic and intuitive artist Nature, and to integrate the mystical weavings of my cosmic life, so that I may know the Creative Intelligence that lives inside of me, that I may move, express, uncover and forge always from this deep, vital center with courage, joy and love in community with kindred spirits and fearless leaders.