Soul Art School Art Exhibit

Stede Barber

United States

Soul Art School art created by stede-barber

Stede Barber describes this Soul Art piece

My studio had flooded and was under repair. I worked in a little room in the barn with items I pick up on walks in nature, painted papers I’d created, and miscellaneous art supplies all around me. I began the Soul Art process with a simple prayer, and the whole process flowed with ease. It happened so quickly that time vanished and I was surprised when I was complete. This, and the series of pieces I created that session, continue to guide me with key words being to trust my natural self.

Soul Art School art created by stede-barber

This Soul Art piece in Stede Barber’s words…

This piece was created during the same session as the piece above, and speaks to me of tenderness, gentleness, and delicacy, and asks me to allow and embrace these qualities in myself more fully. There was so much joy in my creating, one expression led to another, and to another…

Soul Art School art created by stede-barber

How Stede Barber describes this Soul Art piece

This was the final piece of the session, simple and sweet with the delicate tree fronds crowning a simply glorious day. It speaks to me of allowing things to be simple. I am brought back to where I began, being asked to to trust my process, and trust that I am seen, heard, loved, and supported. A profound journey in all it’s grace and creative ease taking place in the midst of seeming chaos.

Artist: Stede Barber

Stede Barber

Why Stede Barber is in Soul Art School

Art as an expression of my Soul is how I work best…it is my most natural, pure, and rich work. My oil paintings don’t necessarily follow the specific Soul Art process, but they have always, since I was a child, followed the intent to attune to my heart and the spirit within and express from there.

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