Soul Art School Art Exhibit

Yennis Mak

New Zealand

Soul Art School art created by yennis-mak

Yennis Mak describes this Soul Art piece

*Core Star*

This piece is created using the Soul Art Energy Mapping process. This photoshoot is the embodiment of my soul’s desire: beauty, and my challenge: connection. I realize a great way to embody my highest frequency of beauty is to express myself in a photoshoot, with my handmade wearable dress and headpiece.

This photoshoot is a soul retrieval journey. This is me reclaiming my beauty through express myself unapologetically in front of the camera. This is a photoshoot of healing my connection to my body and my beauty through seeing my authentic self.

The highest frequency of beauty is the ability to see myself as divine and perfect. And to value my authentic self and honour my wholeness.

I am perfect.

I am beauty.

Soul Art School art created by yennis-mak

This Soul Art piece in Yennis Mak’s words…

*Earth Star*

This painting and photoshoot is part of my Soul Art Certification, Energy Mapping journey where my intention is to embody my highest frequency of beauty in all aspect of my life.

This photoshoot is inspired by my Earth Star painting. This Earth Star medicine painting helps to land on earth and heal my disconnection to the physical world. I once believed that I came from the star and Earth was never my home. Through my connection to my Earth Star, I have a direct dialogue with Gaia which she helps me remember I am part of the ecosystem. Earth is my home. I am Earth.

The inspiration of the photoshoot is coming from this question: What would I look like when I am embodying Gaia and Beauty?

Soul Art School art created by yennis-mak

How Yennis Mak describes this Soul Art piece

*Soul Realm*

This painting and photoshoot is part of my Soul Art Certification, Energy Mapping journey where my intention is to embody my highest frequency of beauty in all aspect of my life.

Soul realm painting invites me to embody the archetypal energy of the Queen, the golden goddess. My next step of the beauty journey is to reclaim the energy of the Queen. The energy of sovereignty, creator of my own realm, I define my standard of beauty, I rule, I inspired others, and I am embracing the rhythm of life.

This photoshoot is the embodiment of the Queen, golden goddess’s energy. How my soul would like to show up in the world.

Artist: Yennis Mak

Yennis Mak

Why Yennis Mak is in Soul Art School

My soul leads me to Soul Art School. I am a student of the Soul Art Certification and I am working towards my Level 4 Soul Art Shaman.

Soul Art helps me find my soul language. I have had numerous transformations using the Soul Art process. My recent transformation is reclaiming my authentic beauty through healing my connection to my body, to earth and to my soul. The artworks I created using the Soul Art process is a transmission and a portal for me to step into my next highest frequency. It is by using the Soul Art process that I remember my power and my magic.

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