Soul Art School Art Exhibit

Artist Checklist

Our Soul Art School Art Exhibit is coming together with extraordinary beauty and power!

Our exhibition officially opens on January 18th, but we’ve got some things to do to be ready for the BIG day!

Here is your artist checklist to make this a success beyond your wildest dreams….

1. If you have already RSVPed, attend our rehearsal and live opening event

This is a magical gathering of our community and a sacred time to connect and be part of something together. If you want to join the festivities by being on camera and having an opportunity to speak, you must show up live to the following:

January 17, 1-2pm EST: Rehearsal for live event to get comfortable with technology and structure of the show.

January 18, 1-2pm EST: Live Virtual Soul Art School Art Exhibit Opening!

2. Promote the Exhibit

Invite your friends, family, and clients to join us for the Soul Art School Art Exhibit opening!

The Soul Art School Art Exhibit Live Virtual Opening is on January 18, 1-2pm EST.

You can choose from the graphics included and download the ones you like by clicking on them. They will open in a new tab. You can save them and share them on social media, your website, and in emails.

Be sure to include this link to the exhibit so guests can get their free tickets: